Friday, February 29, 2008

It's been so long!!

I know, I haven't been keeping up with my posts. Bad, bad Mel. :o(
So here's what's new!
Along with my friend Becky, I joined the Amazing Digi-Scrapbook Race. It's this digital scrapbooking contest, and there are two challenges every week at different websites. It's a team thing, and Becky is my teammate.  Some of the challenges are individual, some are a collaborate effort. So here is my first layout!

We were given a template we had to follow, and it had to be about our favorite subject to scrap, and contain our favorite colors. I will continue to post my layouts.

What else is new??? Not much! Eric's good. Nicole's good... That's about it! What a boring blog I have. I'll have to spice it up one of these days!

1 comment:

Trisha said...

Scrapping ROCKS! Looking good kid!!
Thanks for the update!