Sunday, November 11, 2007

Crappy Weekend

So this weekend was pretty awful. Nicole started developing a cold late Thursday night. It got worse Friday and Saturday morning she was coughing so hard she sounded like a dog. But Saturday afternoon she was struggling to take a breath. So we took her to the walk in clinic where she was transferred to the emergency room. We learned she had an upper respiratory infection as well as an ear infection. She received two breathing treatments, some steriods, chest x-rays, a popsicle and was sent home with three prescriptions. Through all of this she really was in great spirits. She's so incredible. Why does she keep getting sick? I feel lately it's been a lot. In September she had bronchilitis, then a couple weeks later pinkeye, then a high fever for a couple days, which turned into a cold, and she just got over that and this all happens. My poor baby girl. She's feeling much better now though. :o)

1 comment:

Trisha said...

Ahhh MAN! Tis the Season for this stuff! Hope she continues to feel better! Did she get the flu shot. If not I reccommend it. Don't want to end up in the ER like we did with Madalyn giving her "arm a drink". UGH! Hang in there!